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1. Part or full payment by JPPF constitutes your acceptance of our booking conditions.
2. Reception by Email or letter acknowledging payment is confirmation of your request to book onto a JPPF course but is NOT a confirmation of one’s place at requested course.
3. All bookings/requests, will be confirmed by Email, letter or telephone call. No bookings will be confirmed until payment has been received & confirmed.
4. Failure to pay the required fee on time may result in your booking being cancelled and you risk losing your place on the course/s booked.
5. “Pay-on-the-day” payments are to be agreed via, Email or telephone. Any participants attempting to pay-on-the-day without this prior arrangement must accept we reserve the right to deny them the opportunity to partake.
6. So as to prepare our sessions appropriately and safely we require all JPPF course bookings be confirmed in advance of selected booking date.
7. Any “arrive-on-the-day” participants are exempt from promotional discounts where applicable. Additionally, we reserve the right to deny a place to anyone arriving on the day unless agreed prior to the course date.
8. Participants must be of the appropriate age for the selected course.
9. Participants are informed before booking that our coaches are NOT QUALIFIED to train those of a physical and/or psychological disability. We endeavour to help every player that attends our course and every effort will be made for players to attend the course, however this will happen provided it doesn’t affect the health and safety of other players on the course.
10. In the event that you mistakenly book your child onto a course that conflicts with information provided in Point. 9. (9.), you are entitled to a refund less an administrative charge of £5.00.
11. Course availability runs on a “first-come-first-serve” basis which is dependent upon a booking and
confirmation email.
12. All attendees of JPPF courses must complete, with total honesty, a booking form provided by JPPF.
This requires filling out ALL appropriate medical information of willing participants.
13. Staff of JPPF are to be are to be made fully aware of any medication any participant booked onto any of our courses are taking. This medication (e.g. inhaler, epi-pen etc.) must be submitted to our staff BEFORE the starting time of the course.
14. FULL MEDICAL disclosure must be submitted to and accepted by JPPF before a place on a JPPF course can be confirmed. If, for any reason, we cannot accept the booking, a full refund will be issued.
15. In the event that a booking is received after a JPPF course has reached maximum capacity, the customer will be informed and either offered an alternative course, refund or, with their permission, have their contact details stored on our waiting list.
16. Should a position become available on any of our courses that were otherwise full, those at the top of our waiting list will be duly informed should they wish to book onto that course.




1. JP Pro Football cannot guarantee any placements on any of its courses – as soon as a position is available, customers, whose information has been permitted to be stored on our waiting list,  will be notified at the earliest opportunity.



1. Any cancellation must be submitted (via email, telephone or letter) and confirmed by JP Pro Football
(via email, telephone or letter) at a MINIMUM of 12 hours before the starting time of the booked
2. If a customer wishes to cancel (and does so in accordance of the minimum time stated in Point 1. (1.),
they are entitled to a refund less an administrative charge of £5.00.
3. If a customer wishes to cancel (but fails to do so in accordance of the minimum time stated in Point 1.
(1.), no refund will be issued.
4. In the unlikely event that any JP Pro Football course receives less than 10 participants, JP Pro Football
reserves the right to cancel the course. Customers will be given a minimum 72 hour’s notice. Should
this event occur customers will be given the choice of a full refund or a free session at an alternative
5. In the unlikely event that a JP Pro Football course is cancelled due to inclement weather or
circumstances beyond our control (i.e. medical emergency, traumatic event, family bereavement etc.)
we regret to inform that no refund will be issued. However, those who have booked onto the
cancelled course will be given priority service and notification of future course/s at a discounted price,
should they want to book.



1. Customers are welcome to change their date of attendance for any course so long as notice (via email, telephone or letter) is received and confirmed by ourselves within 24 hours of the start time of that course.
2. In the case JP Pro Football does not receive information of a requested change of date and the participant arrives, unless otherwise agreed, we reserve the right to decline access to the participants in the interest of safety.




1. Please applaud and encourage good play but don’t coach from the side-line. We don’t want to confuse our players with mixed messages. We are also creating an environment where are players are to make their own decisions.
2. Parents will allow their children the creative freedom to explore their interests in football and try new techniques and ideas without the fear of failure.
3. Parents will trust their child’s JP Pro coach to deliver sound coaching and safety advice without interruption unless in the interest of safety.
4. Parents will refrain from negative behaviour that disrupts productivity of the training and enjoyment of the course. This includes shouting, directing, shaming or embarrassing any child on the course.
5. Parents will understand that across all JP Pro courses we run a player development programme, and this is our paramount focus. Whilst competitive behaviour is encouraged, the aim is to learn, enjoy and develop, not to win at all costs.
6. All non-players are required to stay on the ‘blue-zone’ of the AstroTurf for the duration of the session, the blue-zone runs all the way round the astro and means parents can watch and observe the session from a suitable angle. This removes potential of injury and interruption as well as allowing the kids to concentrate on their football independently. 
7. In the interest of coach preparation, parents will understand any questions they may have for a JP Pro coach must be addressed before (09:00) or after (11:00) the sessions, not in between.


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This document describes and explains JP Pro Football ‘s safeguarding policy including:
• General Safeguarding
• Environmental Safeguarding
• Recruitment
• Electronics & Media
• Contact Information and External Agencies



JP Pro Football acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and Football Association (FA) requirements.
Unless otherwise stated in this document, JP Pro Football subscribes to and practices the FA’s Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedures.
For the purposes of this document a child/ren relates to anyone under the age of 18.
The policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background, all children who attend JP Pro Football:
• have a positive and enjoyable experience of football at JP Pro Football in a safe and child centred environment
• are protected from abuse whilst participating in football courses provided by JP Pro Football


JP Pro Football acknowledges that some children, including disabled children and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare during their participation in JP Pro’s Football courses.
As part of our safeguarding policy JP Pro Football will:
• promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
• ensure all coaches/volunteers understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and are provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and
young people
• ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
• ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
• prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals
• ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.
The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in JP Pro Football. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.
The Dedicated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for JP Pro Football is Jordan Parkes and any child protection/welfare concerns should be reported directly to Jordan. In his absence please address and report any concerns to the deputy DSO Jack Manly.
JP Pro Football will report any suspected child safety concerns or child protection issues to those attending its course to the appropriate authorities. These include:
a. Police
c. Hertfordshire County Council Local Authority (0300 123 4043)
d. FA County Welfare Officer
A record of any concerns will be kept. The record will include the following:
• the concern
• how it was responded to
• where it was reported to
• and what the outcome of the report was


Those suspecting/witnessing child safety breaches at our courses are to directly inform the company director, Jordan Parkes DSO via necessary contact channels e.g. written letter, phone call, email.
Those suspecting/witnessing child safety breaches at our courses reserve the right to anonymously direct to the appropriate authorities as outlined above.


JP Pro Football operates on privately hired grounds/venues also in use by employed on-site personnel. JP Pro Football will never leave children unsupervised but cannot be held responsible for the actions of other personnel.
In the event of an emergency, JP Pro Football may request assistance from other personnel to facilitate safety for the children.
In the event suspicious activity is suspected that could endanger the safety of the children, JP Pro Football will immediately remove the children from the environment to a pre-planned rendezvous point and inform the police.
In the event a child is not collected at course-end, a JP Pro Coach will call and wait with the child until the agreed parent/guardian/care-giver arrives.
In the event a child is not collected at course-end and contact with parent/guardian/care-giver cannot be established, the JP Pro Coach will inform the police.

JP Pro Football safeguards children by implementing a zero tolerance to bullying and discrimination in accordance with the FA’s Respect Scheme. Please see separate anti bullying policy.


All our coaches hold a full Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check and have up to date FA and UEFA Qualifications including Emergency First Aid. We are also members of the FA Licensed Coaches Club.


JP Pro Football understands the sentimental value of childhood experiences for family and friends and therefore does not discourage the use of photography to capture these moments. It does, however, reserve right to deny photography at any time during its courses in the interest of safety.
JP Pro Football acknowledges football is a multi-person game and by consequence understands the decision to allow photography of customers may result in third parties attaining photographs of another. Therefore, parents are asked not to upload any images/videos of other children to social media without permission of that child’s parents/carers. There can be negative consequences to sharing images linked to information about your own or other people’s children on social media (Facebook, Twitter) which JP Pro would advise you to consider. Some of the risks associated to
uploading images on social media are:
• Children may be identified, contacted or groomed
• Including the child's personal information (full name, address) alongside their image can make them identifiable and therefore vulnerable to individuals looking to locate, contact or 'groom' children for abuse.
• Even if personal details are kept confidential, other details identifying the sports organisation, school or club, or their favourite sportsperson or team, can also be used to groom the child.


JP Pro Football benefit from using images of participants in our courses to promote and celebrate activities, events and competitions. Some coaches also find it helpful to use photographs or videos as a tool to support a child’s skills development. Therefore, parental consent will be sought to allow a child to be photographed.

JP Pro Football:
• Will choose images that present the activity in a positive light and promote the best aspects of the sport and organisation
• Will not supply full names of children along with the images
• Will inform parents and children that an external photographer will be in attendance
• Ensure parents and children consent to both the taking and publication of films or photos


All staff, volunteers, children and parents should be informed that if they have any concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography (in terms of the way, by whom, or where photography is being undertaken), these should be reported to Jordan Parkes as the DSO and Company Director.
Please note children are prohibited from bringing electronics to company courses. Any electronics found will be confiscated and returned at course-end.


The safeguarding policy will be reviewed a year after development and then every three years, or in the following circumstances:
• changes in legislation and/or government guidance
• as required by the FA
• as a result of any other significant change or event.


Jordan Parkes
Managing Director
Telephone: 07912 628870

Jack Manly
Senior Coach
Telephone: 07590413769


Val Lambert
Hertfordshire County Welfare Officer


NSPCC Helpline for Parents
Telephone: 0808 800 5000


Telephone: 0800 1111


Hertfordshire County Council Local Authority
Telephone: 0300 123 4043


If you have any immediate concerns for a child’s safety, please dial 999..





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This policy provides guidance on how JP Pro Football uses the internet and social media and the procedures for doing so. It also outlines how we expect the staff and volunteers who work for us, and the children or young people who are members of our organisation, to
behave online.



The aims of our online safety policy are:
• to protect all children and young people involved with JP Pro Football and who make use of technology (such as mobiles phones, games consoles and the internet) while in our care
• to provide staff and volunteers with policy and procedure information regarding online safety and inform them how to respond to incidents
• to ensure JP Pro Football is operating in line with our values and within the law regarding how we behave online


As part of using the internet and social media, JP Pro Football will:
• understand the safety aspects – including what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for staff and children – when using websites, social media, apps and other forms of digital communication
• be aware that it doesn’t matter what device is being used for digital interaction, but that the same safety aspects apply whether it is a computer, mobile phone or game console
• when using social media platforms (including such apps as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), ensure that we adhere to relevant legislation and good practice guidelines
• regularly review existing safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that online safeguarding issues are fully integrated,including:
1. making sure concerns of abuse or disclosures that take place online are written into our reporting procedures
2. incorporating online bullying (‘cyberbullying’) in our anti-bullying policy
• provide training for the person responsible for managing JP Pro Footballs organisation’s online presence


Our online presence through our website or social media platforms will adhere to the following guidelines: 
• all social media accounts will be password protected, and at least 2 members of staff will have access to each account and password
• the account will be monitored by a designated person, who will have been appointed by the Managing Director Jordan Parkes
• the designated person managing our online presence will seek advice from our designated safeguarding lead to advise on safeguarding requirements, a designated supervisor will remove inappropriate posts by children or staff, explaining why, and informing anyone who may be affected (as well as the parents of any children involved)
• account, page and event settings will be set to ‘private’ so that only invited club members can see their content
• identifying details such as a child’s home address, school name or telephone number shouldn’t be posted on social media platforms
• any posts or correspondence will be consistent with our aims
• we’ll make sure children and young people are aware of who manages our social media accounts and who to contact if they have any concerns about the running of the account
• parents will be asked to give their approval for us to communicate with their children through social media, or by any other means of communication
• parents will need to give permission for photographs or videos of their child to be posted on social media
• all of our accounts and email addresses will be appropriate and fit for purpose


• staff should be aware of this policy and behave in accordance with it
• staff should seek the advice of the designated safeguarding lead if they have any concerns about the use of the internet or social media
• staff should communicate any messages they wish to send out to children and young people to the designated person responsible for JP Pro Football’s online presence
• staff should not ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ children or young people from personal accounts on social media
• staff should make sure any content posted is accurate and appropriate, as young people may ‘follow’ them on social media
• staff should not communicate with young people via personal accounts or private messages
• rather than communicating with parents through personal social media accounts, staff should choose a more formal means of communication, such as face -to - face, in an email or in writing, or use an organisational account, profile or website
• at least one other member of staff should be copied in to any emails sent to children or young people
• staff should avoid communicating with children or young people via email outside of normal office hours 
• emails should be signed off in a professional manner, avoiding the use of emojis or symbols such as ‘kisses’ (‘X’s)
• any disclosures of abuse reported through social media should be dealt with in the same way as a face -to - face disclosure, according to our reporting procedures
• smartphone users should respect the private lives of others and not take or distribute pictures of other people if it could invade their privacy
• staff and young people must not engage in ‘sexting’or send pictures to anyone that are obscene, indecent or menacing


• children should be aware of this online safety policy and agree to its terms

Using mobile phones or other digital technology to communicate
When using mobile phones (or other devices) to communicate by voice, video or text (including texting, email and instant messaging), we’ll take the following precautions to ensure young people’s safety:
• staff will avoid having children’s or young people’s personal mobile numbers and will instead seek contact through a parent or guardian
• The Managing Director Jordan Parkes will have a separate phone from their personal one for any contact with parents or young people
• emails will be used for communicating information to parents only - such as reminding children or young people about upcoming events, which
kit to bring or practice timings and not to engage in conversation

So that all children can enjoy and actively take part in sports activities, we discourage the use of mobile phones during such activities. As part of this policy we will:
• make children aware of how and who to contact if there is an emergency or a change to previously agreed arrangements with the organisation
• advise parents that it may not be possible to contact children during activities and provide a contact within the club or organisation who will be reachable should there be an emergency
• explain to young people how using mobile phones during activities has an impact on their safe awareness of their environment, and their level of participation and achievement.
As an organisation, we commit to implementing this policy and addressing any concerns quickly and within these guidelines.

Further information for parents and carers on keeping children safe online. 
The following websites provide information for organisations and parents about online safety to help them protect their children from harm:
• NSPCC / O2 Helpline 0808 800 5002 -
• Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) -
• Childnet -
• The UK Safer Internet Centre -

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JP Pro Football’s aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment which secures the well-being and very best outcomes for the children at our football sessions. However, we do recognise that sometimes the behaviour and actions of adults may lead to an allegation of
abuse being made.

Allegations sometimes arise from a differing understanding of the same event, but when they occur they are distressing and difficult for all concerned. We also recognise that many allegations are genuine and there are some adults who deliberately seek to harm or abuse
children. We will take all possible steps to safeguard our children and to ensure that the coaches/volunteers in our sessions are safe to work with children.


An allegation is any information which indicates that a coaching member of staff or
volunteer at JP Pro Football may have:
• Behaved in a way that has, or may have harmed a child
• Possibly committed a criminal offence against/related to a child
• Behaved towards a child or children in a way which indicates s/he would pose a risk of harm if they work regularly or closely with children
This applies to any child the member of staff has contact within their personal, professional or community life.


If a member of the JP Pro Coaching Team has concerns about another staff member then this should be referred to THE MANAGING DIRECTOR Jordan Parkes. Where there are concerns about The Managing Director, this should be referred to Val Lambert Hertfordshire County Welfare Officer. Val Lambert can be contacted on:
• Email:

Where a coaching member or a volunteer staff feels unable to raise an issue directly with the Managing Director or feels that their genuine concerns are not being addressed, allegations should be reported directly to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at
Hertfordshire County Council Local Authority on: 0300 123 4043.
The person to whom an allegation is first reported to including the Managing Director, should take the matter seriously and keep an open mind. S/he should not investigate or ask leading questions if seeking clarification; it is important not to make assumptions.
Confidentiality should not be promised, and the person should be advised that the concern will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis only. 


Actions to be taken include:
• making an immediate written record of the allegation using the informant’s words – including time, date and place where the alleged incident took place
• brief details of what happened
• what was said and who was present.
This record should be signed, dated and immediately passed on to the Managing Director Jordan Parkes.
The Managing Director will not investigate the allegation itself, or take written or detailed statements, but will assess whether it is necessary to refer the concern to either Val Lambert Hertfordshire County Welfare Officer or the Local Authority Designated Officer:
Children’s Services – 0300 123 4043.


If the allegation meets any of the three criteria set out at the start of this policy, contact should always be made with the Local Authority Designated Officer without delay. If it is decided that the allegation meets the threshold for safeguarding, this will take place in accordance with the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board Inter-agency Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures.
If it is decided that the allegation does not meet the threshold for safeguarding, it will be handed back to the Managing Director for consideration via the internal procedures.
Where a JP Pro Football member of staff feels unable to raise an issue with the Managing Director through the whistleblowing procedure or feels that their genuine concerns are not being addressed, other whistleblowing channels may be open to them:
• NSPCC whistleblowing helpline is available for staff members who do not feel able to raise concerns regarding child protection failures internally. Staff can call: 0800 028 0285 – line is available from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday to Friday and Email: 

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JP Pro Football’s anti-bullying policy sets out how we feel about bullying as a club or, what we’ll do to tackle it and how we’ll support children and young people who experience or display bullying behaviour.

All forms of bullying will be acted upon and everybody in the club or organisation has a responsibility to work together to stop bullying. Bullying can include online as well as offline behaviour. Bullying behaviour can include:
• Physical – hitting, pushing, kicking or other physical assault
• Verbal abuse – offensive name-calling, insults or gossiping
• Non-verbal abuse – offensive hand signs or text messages
• Racial, sexist or homophobic – racist remarks, sexist jokes or comments, or homophobic, transphobic or gender-related jokes or comments
• Sexual – abusive sexualised name-calling, inappropriate and uninvited touching, or an inappropriate sexual proposition
• Indirect – spreading nasty stories or rumours about someone, intimidation, exclusion from social groups, manipulating or constantly undermining someone.

JP Pro football recognises its duty of care and responsibility to safeguard all players from harm and promote and implement this anti-bullying policy in addition to our safeguarding policy and procedures. JP Pro Football ensure that bullying behaviour is not tolerated or condoned. JP Pro football require all members of the club to sign up this policy.
JP Pro Football will take action to investigate and respond to any reports of bullying from children and young people and encourage and facilitate children and young people to play an active part in developing and adopting a code of conduct for behaviour.
Each participant, coach, volunteer or will:
• encourage individuals to speak out about bullying behaviour
• respect every child’s need for, and right to, a play environment where safety, security, praise, recognition and opportunity for taking responsibility are available
• respect the feelings and views of others
• recognise that everyone is important and equal, and that our differences make each of us special and worthy of being valued
• show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress
• ensure safety by having rules and practices carefully explained and displayed for all to see
• report incidents of bullying behaviour they see – by doing nothing you are condoning the behaviour 

JP Pro Football:
• will create an “open door” ethos where children feel confident to talk to an adult about bullying behaviour or any other issue that affects them
• will make sure children are aware of helpline numbers
• will ensure anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and reports will be taken seriously
• will ensure any reported experience of bullying behaviour will be investigated and will involve listening carefully to all those involved
• will ensure children experiencing bullying behaviour will be supported and helped to uphold their right to play football in a safe environment
• will ensure those who display bullying behaviour will be supported and encouraged to develop better relationships
• will make sure that sanctions are proportionate and fair


Parents or guardians will be advised on the club or organisation’s bullying policy and practice.
Any experience of bullying behaviour will be discussed with the child’s parents or guardians and parents will be consulted on action to be taken (for both victim and bully) and we will agree on these actions together.
Information and advice on coping with bullying will be made available and support will be offered to parents, including information from other agencies or support lines.

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111 /
Anti-Bullying: Alliance 




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Safeguarding policy
Online safety policy
Whisleblowing policy
Anti-bullying policy
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